Technology Park services - High Technology Park of Ugra

Technology Park services

Expertise of project initiatives and projects

Project initiatives (projects) are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Scientific and technological level of project;
  • Commecialization promise of project;
  • Project team;
  • Compliance with priopity areas.


Igor Loginov

Phone: + 7 (3467) 38-82-31

Market research

The main objectives of market research include the followings:

  • determination of the actual and potential market size;
  • forecasting and calculating the share in the market space;
  • analysis of consumer behaviour (demand for company products);
  • identification of the main competitors (supply analysis);
  • search for marketing channels or promotion of company's services.


Renata Dolinger

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-32

Aleksandr Prokopiev

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-32

Research of production process, product, goods and service features

The service includes the followings:

  • Analytical studies of the properties of materials and goods produced by resident-companies of Technology Park;
  • Market research of raw materials and equipment markets for organizing of production by resident-companies of Technology Park;
  • Market research of various products, goods and services in order to promote new things of Technology Park residents to the market;
  • Additional research of production process, products, goods and service features by attracting specialized organizations or experts.


Aleksandr Prokopiev 

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-32