Technology Park services - High Technology Park of Ugra

Technology Park services

Organization of events, provision of services for the implementation of National Technological Initiative in the region

The service consists in the organization of "Round Tables" to develop the National Technology Initiative markets in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and introduce domestic high-tech companies capable of producing globally competitive products and services.


Marina Khorkova

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-34

Organization and conducting of seminars, competitions and other events

The service includes the followings:

  • Organizing and conducting of educational events (seminars, trainings) on business issues;
  • Organization and holding of the district stage of the competition "Young Inventor of Ugra".


Kristina Petelina

Телефон: +7 (3467) 38-82-84

Maria Semenova

Телефон: +7 (3467) 38-82-84

Developing presentation material / promotion services


Irina Garbuz

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-84

Marina Khorkova

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-34

Creation of prototypes and 3D models


Aleksandr Semenov

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-81-58

Organization of events on providing advice on support measures of innovative projects

Within the framework of the provision of the service an expertise of documents submitted by innovative companies to receive state support is carried out for the compliance with the requirements established in the regulatory documents.


Aleksandr Prokopiev

Телефон: +7 (3467) 38-82-32

Obtaining documents of titles for the results of intellectual property and means of individualization

The service includes the followings:

  • Preparation of patent applications;
  • Registration of applications for inventions, utility models and trademarks in electronic form;
  • Access to patent databases of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property;
  • Basic licensing recommendations;
  • Assistance in technical information search in patent research based on the databases of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property and the World Intellectual Property Organization;
  • Training on conducting patent search in patent databases;
  • Providing general information on intellectual property law.


Lilia Pankova

Телефон: +7 (3467) 38-82-32

Aleksandr Prokopiev

Телефон: +7 (3467) 38-82-32

Research of production process, product, goods and service features

The service includes the followings:

  • Analytical studies of the properties of materials and goods produced by resident-companies of Technology Park;
  • Market research of raw materials and equipment markets for organizing of production by resident-companies of Technology Park;
  • Market research of various products, goods and services in order to promote new things of Technology Park residents to the market;
  • Additional research of production process, products, goods and service features by attracting specialized organizations or experts.


Aleksandr Prokopiev 

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-32

Assistance in the development and (or) registration of standart specifications, certificates on goods produced by small and medium-sized enterprises

The service consists in assisting in the development and (or) registration of standart specifications, certificates of conformity (quality certificate, safety certificate, customs certificate, declarations) for goods produced by small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as documentation of food safety management systems.


Renata Dolinger

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-32

Aleksandr Prokopiev

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-32

Expertise of project initiatives and projects

Project initiatives (projects) are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Scientific and technological level of project;
  • Commecialization promise of project;
  • Project team;
  • Compliance with priopity areas.


Igor Loginov

Phone: + 7 (3467) 38-82-31

Organization of meetings of expert committees on award of the resident status of Technology Park to innovative companies

Within the framework of the provision of the service meetings of expert committees on award of the resident status of Technology Park to innovative companies are held quarterly. To obtain the resident status a candidate needs to pass an initial expertise of the project. Further, in the case of a positive resolution it is necessary (if absent) to create a legal entity on the territory of the region and submit your project to the expert committee on award of resident status.


Igor Loginov

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-82-31

Result monitoring of the implementation of innovative projects, monitoring of current needs and problems of enterprises

The service includes the followings:

  • Quarterly result monitoring of the implementation of projects, monitoring of current needs and problems of enterprises that affect their competitiveness;
  • Drawing up a register of needs of resident-companies in order to provide services within the established limits.


Igor Loginov

Phone: + 7 (3467) 38-82-31

Office rent


Vladimir Kashaed

Phone: +7 (3467) 38-81-54