Ivan tea based on narrow-leaved fireweed - High Technology Park of Ugra

Ivan tea based on narrow-leaved fireweed

Brief description of the project the product
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Proizvodstvo boleye 30 sortov Ivan-chaya na osnove rasteniya kiprey uzkolistnyy.

Ivan chay «Vozrozhdeniye»

Obladayet protivosudorozhnym effektom. Obladayet toniziruyushchim svoystvom, pridayet bodrost' i silu.

Ivan-chay «Doroga k gorizontu»

Svoystva: profilaktika ateroskleroza, skleroza, gipertonicheskoy bolezni, mochegonnoye sredstvo, vyvodit pesok iz pochek, mochevogo puzyrya, pecheni i zhelchnogo puzyrya.

Ivan-chay «Veyer-vint»

Deystvuyet uspokaivayushche na tsentral'nuyu nervnuyu sistemu, mozhet izmenyat' uslovno-reflektornuyu sistemu cheloveka, effektiven pri lechenii nevrozov.

Ivan-chay «Struny arfy»

Kiprey uzkolistnyy primenyayetsya pri lechenii yazvennoy bolezni i drugikh bolezney zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta.

Ivan chay «Dykhaniye Zemli»

Polozhitel'no deystvuyet na rabotu serdtsa, blagodarya nakhodyashchemusya v rastitel'nom syr'ye giperozidu - vodorastvorivomu flavonoidu. Kak i drugiye veshchestva etoy gruppy, izmenyayet aktivnost' nekotorykh fermentov, vliyayet na obmen veshchestv. V chastnosti, usilivayet sokratitel'nuyu deyatel'nost' serdtsa, stimuliruyet periferiynoye krovoobrashcheniye, snizhayet vozbudimost' tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy, soderzhaniye kholesterina v krovi.

Ivan-chay «Rey»

Obladayet protivospolitel'nym svoystvom i sposobnost'yu snimat' stressy i bespokoystvo.

Ivan-chay «Khozyain taygi»

Vosstanavlivayet sily pri ustalosti, istoshchenii. Pomogayet pri bolezni selezenki, kamnyakh v pochkakh i pecheni, pri golovnoy boli, pri yazvakh i vospaleniyakh.

Ivan-chay «Festival'nyy»

Svoystva: antisepticheskiye, protivovospalitel'nyye. Primeneniye: podavlyayet razmnozheniye virusa prostogo gerpesa v tkanevykh kul'turakh. Snizhayet narkoticheskuyu zavisimost'.

Ivan-chay «Zvezda»

Svoystva: protivovospalitel'nyye, bakteritsidnyye. Umen'shayet vospalitel'nyye protsessy dlya mnogikh shtammov virusov i bakteriy. Pokazaniya: profilaktika i lecheniye infektsionnykh zabolevaniy.

Ivan-chay «Vodopad»

Boleutolyayushcheye sredstvo, otlichno deystvuyet na mochepolovuyu sistemu.

Ivan-chay «Valtorna»

Snizhayet arterial'noye davleniye, zamedlyayet ritm i usilivayet amplitudu serdechnykh sokrashcheniy. Takoy napitok mozhno ispol'zovat' dlya profilaktiki ateroskleroza, pri bronkhial'noy astme.

Ещё 2347 / 5000 Результаты перевода

Production of more than 30 varieties of Ivan-tea based on the narrow-leaved fireweed plant.

Ivan tea "Revival"

Has an anticonvulsant effect. It has tonic properties, gives vigor and strength.

Ivan-tea "Road to the horizon"

Properties: prevention of atherosclerosis, sclerosis, hypertension, diuretic, removes sand from the kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder.

Ivan-tea "Fan-screw"

Has a calming effect on the central nervous system, can change the conditioned reflex system of a person, and is effective in treating neuroses.

Ivan-tea "Harp strings"

Fireweed narrow-leaved is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ivan tea "Breath of the Earth"

It has a positive effect on the work of the heart, thanks to hyperoside, a water-soluble flavonoid, found in plant raw materials. Like other substances in this group, it changes the activity of some enzymes, affects metabolism. In particular, it enhances the contractile activity of the heart, stimulates peripheral blood circulation, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, the content of cholesterol in the blood.

Ivan-tea "Ray"

Possesses anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to relieve stress and anxiety.

Ivan-tea "Master of the taiga"

Restores strength in case of fatigue, exhaustion. Helps with spleen disease, kidney and liver stones, headaches, ulcers and inflammation.

Ivan-tea "Festival"

Properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. Application: suppresses the multiplication of the herpes simplex virus in tissue cultures. Reduces drug addiction.

Ivan-tea "Star"

Properties: anti-inflammatory, bactericidal. Reduces inflammation for many strains of viruses and bacteria. Indication: prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Ivan-tea "Waterfall"

Pain reliever, excellent effect on the genitourinary system.

Ivan-tea "French horn"

Reduces blood pressure, slows down the rhythm and increases the amplitude of heart contractions. This drink can be used to prevent atherosclerosis, with bronchial asthma.

  • Direction of the product

    Medicine and biotechnologies


Direction of

  Medicine and biotechnologies
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