The Heads of Ugra development institutions have presented the results of their activities in 2020 - High Technology Park of Ugra

The Heads of Ugra development institutions have presented the results of their activities in 2020


may, 2021

The meeting of the Council for the development of investment activities was held on 18 May and chaired by the Governor of Ugra Natalia Komarova.

Before the meeting, the Head of the Region recalled that the Russian Government began the process of consolidating federal development institutions on the basis of a state corporation in 2020. Similar work has been done in Ugra. “It is important that the Government of Ugra orients small and medium-sized business to active targeted work on the principle “the entrepreneur is not looking for support measures, they are offered to him to choose from”, Natalia Komarova said.

Director of the Department of Economic Development – Deputy Governor of Ugra Roman Genkel presented the results of such development institutions consolidation. According to him, there were a division of functionality and an increase in the efficiency of the infrastructure for support and development of investment activities and entrepreneurship.

In addition, a project of a single information space and a single system of support measures for managing projects of citizens, small and medium-sized businesses and self-employed persons and investors have been drafted.

Also the investment brand “Ugra Open For” was developed for the implementation of the investment potential and positioning of the Region.

During the meeting, the Council members approved an action plan for the implementation and development of the brand in the current year.

In turn, the Heads of such development institutions introduced the achieved results: